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Hyper-books are the starting point of the hyper-language game in which a hyper-library is created.

Hyper-books are - as the word with its opening credits says (!) - not books; they are not made of bound or paperback paper, but hypertext (parts thereof) which can be read like books because they contain argumentations.

Hyper books consist of other hyper books or they are elementary, i.e. independent arguments in the hyper library. Each argumentation can be used in different hyper-books, some hyper-books are subsets of others.


There is, of course, the enforcing case, which is discussed in detail in hypertext literature: You take a text, cut it up, and link the parts in their original order. A lot of hypermedia works that simply want to be hyper-modern are designed according to this pattern. The accompanying research question is how to turn a text into a hypertext. What is interesting here is the opposite: how to make a text out of a hypertext, as what every hyperreader inevitably does (not what publishers do to be modern).

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